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                                        When it comes to fire detection and alarm, we have more than 25 years of experience.

                                        We only install the best. Names such as Notifier and Firelite offer reliability, and versatility. Our                                         installations include new and existing construction – from small single-story buildings to high-rise                                         office complexes and multi-building campuses. Weather your system is a 2 zone control with a few                                         conventional detectors, or a networked system controlled at one central location, you can be assured                                         you will receive the best attention to detail.


We are always happy to offer consultation and design; turnkey project management, installation, certification and operator training; and after-installation services that include inspection, preventive maintenance and central station monitoring.

Service After The Sale

We offer routine testing and maintenance of all your equipment. Our service department stands ready to provide emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition we can provide maintenance on all other protection needs. No matter what your need, fire extinguishers, alarms, sprinklers or specialized suppression systems we are the "one call does it all."

Fire Fighting Equipment Company, Inc. - 206 S. George St.- P.O. Box 968 - Rome, NY 13440Phone 315-336-6111- Fax 315-339-0143

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