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                                                                    COMMERICAL KITCHEN EXHAUST HOODS


Starting a new restaurant or kitchen? Want to expand your cook line? Contact us for all of your kitchen exhaust needs. We will supply you with materials, or have our sheet metal team help you with the installation. We can provide stainless steel back splashes, fryer separators or new filters. Whatever your needs, we will be happy to assist you.



Keeping your exhaust system clean is one of the most important steps in avoiding a potential fire. NY state building code requires that your exhaust system be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid grease accumulations. The record of this cleaning must be kept on the premises and available to the code enforcer. Filter banks, plenums, ducts and exhaust fans all are designed to exhaust the grease created during cooking. This is where the biggest accumulation of grease will occur. Let us help you stay safe and code compliant.


                                                High pressure/hot water is used to clean your hood and exhaust system. Care is taken to prevent                                                 disturbing other parts of your kitchen as well as allowing easy clean up.


Fire Fighting Equipment Company, Inc. - 206 S. George St.- P.O. Box 968 - Rome, NY 13440Phone 315-336-6111- Fax 315-339-0143

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